Jul 18, 2009

10 nominees for The Best Picture Category for Oscars,2010

Including double the nominees for the Best Picture category for the Oscars next year….Will it attract more viewers for the Oscars next year?Will this culminate in a tough competition for the judges for selecting the best picture?Whats the final event gonna be like is hard to predict!

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences President Sid Ganis made the announcement on June 24th that the Oscars for 2010 to be held on March 7 will have 10 nominees for the Best Picture category. This decision was taken as the governors of the academy board felt that there were several other films which deserved to be in this category.The other qualified movies like 'Dark Knight', 'Iron-Man', 'Happy-Go-Lucky', 'The Wrestler' were left from this category due to the restriction of 5 nominees. Also,there was a debate with 'The Dark Knight', not being chosen in the Best Picture Category as it had sold $1 billion in tickets worldwide.

This brings us back to the days of 1943 when, for the 16th Academy Awards,there were 10 nominees for the best picture.The movie 'Casablanca' won the Oscars for the Best Picture that year.Those in Hollywood might feel that this is a brilliant opportunity for their movies to vie in this category.

On February 2nd, 2010 , movie buffs and those awaiting the Oscars will get to know the nominees for the 82nd Academy Awards.

Jul 5, 2009

Katharine Houghton Hepburn

Katharine Houghton Hepburn" Everyone thought I was bold and fearless, and even arrogant... but inwardly I was always quaking.. I've never cared about how afraid I may have been inside-I've always done what I thought I should."
- Katharine Hepburn

Katharine Houghton Hepburn is a well-known actress who has to her credit, won the maximum number of Best Actress Oscar awards.She had won the award 4 times and she was nominated 12 times for an Oscar.

The movies for which she won Oscars include the following:
-The Morning Glory in the year 1933
-Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner in the year 1967
-The Lion in Winter in the year 1968
-On Golden Pond in the year 1981

Born in 12 May 1907,she was one of the finest American actresses of her times and has also been successful in television and stage shows.Known to be a maverick,she had deep interest in sports for instance canoeing,,tennis,diving as well as riding her bike.